[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

Rob Voisey rob@empeg.com
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 00:34:00 GMT

Yes, I have checked from both seats.  There is slightly more viewing restriction in left hand drive vehicles, but in the case of the A-Class this still only affects the upper half of the top left character.  I just checked the height of the stereo - it's slightly below knee level.  In my case I have the seat most of the way back, but my head is near the roof of the vehicle.  A shorter person (mentioning no names) would have the seat further forward, but the reduced height compensates for this and the net viewing angle is much the same.

One thing that comes to mind (and perhaps you covered this - I haven't had time to catch up with all several hundred messages from the last week) is that your DIN bay has no incline.  Practically every bay I've ever seen is inclined upwards, usually by between 10 and 20 degrees.  That's why the empeg disk tray has a corresponding but opposite incline.
