[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 00:43:00 GMT

looking straight into my empeg the bottom left of the active area is basically at the plasticwork edge: the top left is 3 or 4mm clear.

Hugo -- Mine is almost the exact opposite, i.e., my _bottom_ left is 3 or 4mm clear, and my _top_ left is basically at the plasticwork edge.  

In a previoius post you alluded to being able to reposition the display vertically to some degree.  Could you elaborate on the procedure, with caveats and warnings as to the pitfalls and what to do and not to do?  I don't wish to take a chance of damaging my empeg, but on the other hand if a simple, relatively safe procedure can gain me half a line of viewable area I'd like to do it.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"