[Empeg-general] So, it's finally working

iank@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org iank@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:41:00 GMT

After replacing a bad amp and installing a filter for the alternator noise everything is just peachy. A few things do bug me about the unit:

- LED display. LCD man, LCD. Then I could read it in sunlight.
- Visuals don't take into account the info line. The should.
- Rotory knob on the wrong side. What do these guys do? Drive on the left side of the road or something? :-)
- Unit doesn't remember visual/info setting on powerup.
- It has a clock but cannot display it. It'd be cool if you could have the info line at the bottom, Time and date on the right side in a narrow column and the rest of the screen doing the vis thing.
- Waiting for radio module.