[Empeg-general] Re: After some use...

Rob Voisey rob@empeg.com
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 00:59:00 GMT

_I do not believe that this is an AR issue_

I think it _must_ be a reflection problem.  The VFD is much brighter, with better contrast, than regular LCD screens so if you have a problem viewing it in typical daylight conditions then that is almost certainly down to reflected light.

Even the Mk.1, which had an anti-reflection coating, was wiped out by direct sunlight - but so were any other displays in the vehicle under those conditions.  I've never experienced a problem as bad as you describe, but the position of the stereo in the Merc probably helps, and a typical day here isn't all that bright.

Perhaps part of the problem is that often you don't really notice that the display on your CD or tape player is wiped out in the sunlight, because you don't need to look at it very much.  Usually people that have had a problem with visibility on the empeg, and who also have a second head unit, have noticed that the display on that head is also invisible at the time.

Hopefully future AR coated screens will help a lot.
