[Empeg-general] Help with Navigating Playlists

bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 02:38:00 GMT

I've had my Empeg for a few days now. Since then I have had great fun creating playlists, toying with the visuals, and taunting my employees with it. I just seem to be having difficulty navigating the playlists the way I would prefer...

I have my MP3s organized by Artist-Album-Tracks like this:

James Brown
.........|_____The Payback
.........|_____Star Time!
..................|_____Mr. Dynamite (disc1)
..................|_____The Hardest Working Man in Show Business (disc2)

Etc, Etc...

Now I know that the Empeg is supposed to "liberate" us from the shackles of the single CD, but sometimes (most of the time) I like to listen to specific albums, not specific tracks. Or if I pick a specific track I'd like to continue listening to the CD it came from. I guess what I am trying to ask, is there a way to jump from playlist to playlist without returning to the "root?" Navigating the Empeg by playlists as they were directories on a harddrive? Meaning the ability to "cd .." or jump to the next playlist down (next album in an artist's collection?)

Also, I am unable to find a way to set the Empeg to "repeat." That is, if I am listening to a playlist and it finishes, to jump back to the first song in that playlist. Is this possible?

Maybe this stuff belongs in the Wish List forum, but I thought there must be a way to get it to work this way out of the box.

(weird... the bbs wants to strip out all my spaces in my little illustration.)