[Empeg-general] Re: Help with Navigating Playlists

DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 06:40:00 GMT

Okay.  Sorry Tony, but I have to bring it up.  It's about my enqueing thing again.  You said something to the effect of "wait until you get your empeg" and since I have been using it for a while now, I feel I can bring this up again.

I still really feel the need to be able to enqueue songs and even playlists.  I would love to narrow it down to an artist's specific song, and be able to press down again and it only loads the song to the end of the list, but also have the directories remain open.  I still find it annoying to only select a song from a completely different category as the current song when the first song has finished playing.

And don't start with the searching thing.  It's a pain in the rear.  It is definitely too time consuming and doesn't always work.

Let's say, for instance, that I am listening to a song and I am reminded of an artist with similar stuff.  I could go to that artist's albums or a particular song, but I have to play it right away, and it wipes away my current playlist.  Let's also say that I'm driving around town and I don't have time to use the "append by artist" search function because I'm spending that time paying attention to the road.  It would be alot easier to enqueue those songs at a stoplight.

Of course, I've thought of a few of the difficulties in implementing this.  For one, not everyone would want it (there's a few things I don't use on the empeg myself), so I suppose you could add a setting in emplode or even in the same style as the "Shuffle" menu item.  The later would take care of the problem of being able to clear the playlist.  With "Enqueueing off", the player would function like it does now.

Sorry to rant like this, but it's something I would really like to see implemented if possible.  I know I should have put this under wishlist, but the thread was similar to the subject.

(ps-what does the empeg use the time and date for?  I know how to set it, but I cn'at find any way to view it.  And what is the timer in the bottom-right for when using the AUX input?)

DiGNAN  &:*)