[Empeg-general] Re: Turn On/Off Thump

Mike Comb mcomb@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 18:01:00 GMT

Hmm, I may have a related problem.  I get the same boom while turning off the car.  I thought at first that I had a wiring issue or that my 12volt constant lead might not be that constant.  Then something weird happened.  For 1 day everything worked fine, no thumps.  I turned the car on and off several times with zero problems.  The next day the thumps where back.

I have not had a chance to tear apart the wiring yet, but I am reasonably certain that my connections are solid (they are all soldered and encased in shrink tubing.  I have the remote turn on leads for two amps running from the empegs remote lead.  I am probably going to check the wiring this afternoon, so I will post back if I turn up anything.
