[Empeg-general] Re: Help with Navigating Playlists

bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 3 Sep 2000 19:58:00 GMT

I've certainly gotten used to pressing "P" on the remote to jump to "Paula Cole" instead of "C", and ordering the menus non-alphabetically could break this...

Not necessarily... I would just like it to display in the order I've chosen. I am attempting to order my playlist as I've organized my CDs at home. I'm a little anal about how I order my discs (Alpha by Artist, Chrono by Album, Collections then Singles). Sometimes I break my own rules to my own liking... Such as placing _Les Claypool and the Holy Mackerel_ immediately after _Primus_. This is echoed in the Empeg by sneaking _LCatHM_ inside the main _Primus_ playlist. Sadly it pops up in the middle of the playlist order on the Empeg now.

you could press the CD-MD-CH button to toggle it between "play", "append" and "insert" modes... ...The word "append playlist" or "insert playlist" could appear at the top of the screen. Then you could traverse the playlist structure and append to your heart's content...

That would be fantastic... I only heard about the "append" mode last night and was disappointed there seemed to be no "insert" mode. Oh I hope this is available soon.

Also, I am unable to find a way to set the Empeg to "repeat." 

I'm pretty certain that this item is being added to a later software update...

Once again I really am looking forward to this functionality... 

Thanks all for clearing this up for me. This is one of the great things about the Empeg... its flexibility and its creators desire to make it the best damn device in the market. Thank you... (now if I could only get the stupid thing in my car.)
