[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

Ryan customer@empeg.com
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 07:53:00 GMT


I don't know, but if anyone took a second to connect it on their desks, they SHOULD be able to see what you are talking about if they did (unless they are so short, their eyes are less than a 6" above the desk, or their desk is so expansive, that the unit is more than 4' away.)  Certainly they'd find out sooner than the time it takes to try and write helpful replies to you -- someone who seems to be an engineer.

I am maybe 10 degrees above the player at current view height, and two feet away, and the entire top half of the first character on the first line is cut off by the curve of the fascia, and 1/3 of the nextmost character.

No mystery there.  You are clearly sane and have a legitimate design concern.

It is only when I am about 5 degrees above the unit, from the same distance, that NONE of the display area is blocked by the fascia.

Looking at the unit, this would be less of a problem in RHD vehicles, since the curvature of the fascia over the right-hand side is less intrusive.

And, big surprise, if I angle the unit as if I were sitting in a RHD vehicle, same distance, same angle, the top-leftmost character is only BARELY cut off by the fascia.


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MK2 #141, green, 12GB