[Empeg-general] Re: Mark 2 faceplate restricts viewing angle

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 11:18:00 GMT

> ... tweaking the display mounting a bit. Do you have any notes or tips from that experience to help others in the same situation?

Yes, please!  If anything, my empeg position is worse than yours -- not as low, but further to the right, with absolutely no tilt to it, and further back towards the driver.  I lose all of my first two or three letters, and the top half of the next four or five.  Judging from what Hugo said <A HREF="http://empeg.comms.net/cgi-bin/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=empeg_general&Number=15237&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&vc=1#Post15237" target="_new"> here </A>and <A HREF="http://empeg.comms.net/cgi-bin/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=empeg_general&Number=14852&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&vc=1#Post14852" target="_new"> here </A>  my display is mounted a full 3--4 millimeters higher than optimal.

Lowering my display would go a long ways towards inproving readability.  I tried removing the fascia and gently pushing down on the display panel, but nothing moved nor could I see what might move, so I guess I didn't understand Hugo's instruction and I didn't want to press the issue.  (pun intended.)


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"<P ID="edit">_Edited by tanstaafl. on 4/9/00 11:21 AM._