[Empeg-general] Re: shipping confirmation

bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org bootsy@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 21:33:00 GMT

"The "American" edition you refer to was a re-edit (not by Terry) for broadcast television that had a "happy" ending."

If I may just Geek-out here for a second. This is not entirely true. There _was_ the "love conquers all" version made for TV, that had a happy ending. But there was as well an American theatrical release version that was only subtly different than the UK version. Namely the credits with Sam fading into the clouds at the end... Oh, and the "My God, it works" punchline.  I bought the Criterion Collection version of Brazil (possibly my favorite movie ever) and have to agree. It's a must for any fan.

In fact the clincher for me was in the inclusion of the "love conquers all" disc. In college, I had a small party to celebrte the airing of my favorite movie on broadcast TV. Imagine my horror to discover that not only was it edited for TV, they added huge sections of plot! Changing the whole story! Arggg!

For years afterwards I was livid over that. Many I have told of this attrocity, but few have witnessed it. Now, thanks to Criterion, I have 3 DVD's of Brazil history... The only thing that would have made this collection better would be the inclusion of the US theatrical release version, but perhaps that would have been overkill... 

Now if they would just start releasing the David Lynch catalogue...


Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Soy un perdedor..."