[Empeg-general] Re: Order Invitation at 14500... figures...

Kureg Kureg@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 5 Sep 2000 16:26:00 GMT

Well, I got my invitation to order. My wife and I did a lot of talking. We are both very excited about the empeg car.

I'm a sad boy today because we've made the decision to delay buying the empeg. The mad irony of it is that, if I had been invited to order a few weeks ago I would have bought it (and might have found my ass in a financial mess).

As it stands, I can only afford the empeg by going into debt for the full amount, and then not have enough to afford an amp or the install. I decided that it would be pointless to buy the empeg if I'm not able to put it in my car for several months.

This really sucks. My sorries go to empeg, cuz it would be money in their hands right now if I could. Oh well, you'll get it in several months. It also sucks cuz I was really looking forward to developing stuff for it, which will now have to wait a little longer, so there go some more sorries to everyone else  :-).

It sucks more when you've been hyped for months, losing sleep over waiting for your number to come up, and then find it was all for nothing  :-(.

Lend me your sympathies!  :-D


> hmm... wife and I are STILL talking. This is so tuff to turn down, so we are mad budgeting  :-D.
<P ID="edit">_Edited by Kureg on 5/9/00 04:33 PM._