[Empeg-general] Re: Order Invitation at 14500... figures...

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Tue, 5 Sep 2000 18:06:00 GMT

I dunno, Kureg... Despite what my evil twin ;-) told you, remember that the Empeg is more or less a toy. An incredibly cool toy, yes, but not cool enough to overextend your credit. You've been on this BBS for months, salivating over the Empeg. During that time, weren't you saving up for it? If you were unable to save up for it then, how do you expect to make payments now?

(Rob: Sorry if I sound like I'm trying to talk the guy out of a sale. I just don't want to see someone regretting the purchase for reasons unrelated to the product's quality.)

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_