[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification

Nick Barnes nick@debau.ch
Sat, 9 Sep 2000 17:02:00 GMT

In reply to:eTantrumNow this is another really useful piece of technology which won't run cos I'm doing something wrong.


I try and './configure' and it throws a wobbler because there's no FFTW library installed, so I download that, make it and install it. So, I try './configure'ing Songprint again. Of course, I assumed that I had glib installed and I hadn't, so it failed again. Off I trotted to download glib, configured, made and installed it.

Back to Songprint, which failed because it said it still couldn't find glib. One quick 'ldconfig' later and all's well.

Several options, configurations and whatever later, it tells me that I need a new glibc (v.2.1.3). Off I trot to Freshmeat.net who say that the latest version is 2.1.2 (it isn't, and 2.1.3 is actually used on the page you click through to, but that one had me going for a few minutes). Of course, when I try to install that, it says that I need this, that and the other.

Oh well, I thought, it says I only really need it for Ogg and I'm not using that, so back to Songprint.

I finally get through to typing 'make' and am then thwarted with all sorts of problems with variable 'tval' in sp_identify.c I gave it up as a bad job and went to bed.

Like I said, it's bound to be my fault and I'm not blaming anybody here. I was tired last night and maybe I didn't read great swathes of the docs. I'll give it another go later.


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