[Empeg-general] HI im a newbie. *waves*

HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org HighWayDrifter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 9 Sep 2000 19:36:00 GMT

mkkay well lil ole me stuck in my own world came across some article somewhere on some contraption called empeg. i figured hell it runs linux *immediate thoguth i will own one* started doing some research and aobut 5 min later (got to love work connections to the net nothing like 3 t1's) i found this page.. now the first empeg i saw was the mk1. i thougth to my self killer ass idea, i fell in love (i wont lie) then i come to this page see the mk2.. ok ok i know what your thinking..gee he is going to say he loves the mk2.. well guess what your right. then i saw the price tag nad i was like.. hot damn thank god i got this new job (im only 20, hell just turned and i have the dubious honor of being born into a family that has to work for stuff unlike my buds..grr..) anyways what im getting at is  well hell who needs food right [censored] IT RUNS LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  o sorry had to snap out f it i justanted to waste some time t work (dont u hat eworkign sat's??) and give the createors of this nifty little thing alot of props. Awesome product Awesome idea and well i hate to say it but im going to go with out food (well ok macaroni&cheese, and peanut butter for a month or so) so i can get a nifty little blue one.

Im as confused as a babby in a topless bar...