[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification & how to build it

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 18:59:00 GMT

I might be wrong, but you seem to have succumbed to temptation very often succumbed to, that is to default your configure templates to configuration you had (including the very latest versions of rather generic libraries), when older versions would probably do (since we are talking about char-mode application). 

Could you either relax your build requirements (so that the program builds with, say RH 5.0 up and equivalent other distribs - if that is indeed possible), or provide statically built Linux binaries.

What requirement that the SDK contains are you having trouble with?  We use pretty standard build requirements, except for glib-1.2 (which has been around for at least a few years) and the fftw libraries (which our algorithm relies on).  Other than that you shouldn't have any problems building it.

Or are you talking about getting the PMA running?  Because that does require more recent libraries. 

Let me know exactly what the problem is.  
