[Empeg-general] Re: Oh go on then, let's have (another) HHGTTG thread.

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 00:18:00 GMT

> I just went to amazon.uk.co and did a search on 'galaxy'

Exactly what I did. (Well, I searched for "hitchhiker" but either way takes you to the same place.)

I was just too dense to read the fine print that said it was an audio CD, even though the bold print clearly indicated it was in the "Books" category.

Thanks.  I'll give DouglasAdams.com 24 hours to respond to my query about shipping to Alaska, and then if I haven't heard from them I'll give my business to Amazon.  I think the Amazon price comes out about $7 cheaper anyway.

Once 1.1 comes out, we'll have Wendy Filters and Bookmarks, so I can just tuck it into a corner of the empeg and not worry about it coming up on shuffle, but still be able to pick up right where I left off any time I want.  I bet I can stretch it out for months!  And I can encode it at lowest quality VBR so it doesn't take too much space.  (After all, once I finally have all my music in, I'll have used up more than a third of my empeg's capacity -- gotta conserve, you know.  :-)


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"