[Empeg-general] Re: OT: Can anyone recommend a good NIC or SCSI card?

Rob Schofield somewhereth@sflat
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 13:16:00 GMT

Sensible bloke. My line of reasoning exactly: cheaper to bin the card and buy a new one.

I have only bought 3COM cards (PCI, ISA, EISA) and all perform faultlessly, are easily set up, and are widely supported. Drivers are sometimes a bit difficult to get hold of, even from 3COM.

For SCSI, another vote for the AIC78xx series based cards (AHA-29xx) from Adaptec. Widely supported, good solid performers. I'm using the AHA 2904 with a Ricoh for ripping, and a Plextor UltraPlex 40x with a AHA2940UW. Bit expensive, but good support. If cost is a problem, an alternative are the excellent Tekram cards which use Adaptec AIC series chips - the 390/390F/410UF come to mind and are excellent value for the money; good availability, excellent support. They used to do NCR based cards as well.

Having said that, how come you are having trouble with the stalwart (1542)? This is possibly the most widely supported SCSI card in the known universe, and performs reasonably well. The 42CF version is the one to have, still availble everywhere for ridiculously low prices.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...  :) #00015