[Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg

Steve Schow sjs@bstage.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:36:32 -0700

Exactly.  Seems like if the Empeg did an ENCRYPTED backup of some kind in a
proprietary format...it would not be breaking the laws they're trying to
avoid.  Just a thought. A way to stream an encrypted data stream of 36+ GB
out to whatever device might be connected to the PC where the Empeg is
docked.  Could be a SCSI device, tape device, etc.  Whatever.  The point
is...encrypted....so nobody could make sense out of it except for the
Emplode software....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Calvin [mailto:eternalsun@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 3:34 PM
> To: empeg-general@empeg.merlins.org
> Subject: [Empeg-general] Re: Backing up MP3's off Empeg
> Ok guys, don't give the dude a hard time.  Hypothetically, if
> I have a 36 gigabyte empeg, and I have a PC with 8 gigs of
> hard drive space.  I invest great amounts of time ripping and
> encoding and uploading to the empeg.  However because of
> limited PC space I wipe out the 8 gigs and do another 8 gigs.
>  Over the course of 2 years the contents of the empeg is now
> irreplacable due to emotional attachment or whatever.  This
> includes equilizer settings and other prefernces on the empeg
> as well.
> So what's called for here, is a utility in emplode that pulls
> out a copy of the empeg contents, perhaps in an encrypted
> form, stream it out, break it up into ZIP disk sized chunks,
> or onto a CD burner.  These ".bak" files can't be used by any
> other program but empeg, but in the case of catestrohpic
> failure (ahem, tony) the procedure can be reversed.
> This would be also helpful for those who run the developer
> edition, and keep third party programs on board, and don't
> want to lose those in a failure.
> I wish Palm Pilots did that, that's for sure.  Every time I
> lose the contents of my pilot due to a failure, I lose *all*
> the third party programs and it's quite an ordeal to restore it all.
> Calvin
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