[Empeg-general] Re: Can't Display Track Time

gb14772@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org gb14772@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 05:29:00 GMT

We've had a play, and we suspect that installing RealJukebox breaks Audiocatalyst with regard to VBR headers.

     Can anyone else confirm/refute this?

Bingo!  I uninstalled RealJukeBox and AudioCatalyst, then re-installed AudioCatalyst.  Encoded a VBR track, now Empeg displays track elapsed time just fine.  I don't notice any "jumping" of the elapsed time either.

Another interesting tidbit is that "before" WinAmp would display a total track time of 0:00, then when the track was played would estimate the total track time as it played.  This total time jumped around a lot, and settled down as more of the track played.  However, now (without Real
JukeBox installed), WinAmp correctly displays track times just when the track is dragged/dropped, and the time doesn't jump around as the track plays.

Now, how do I fix up the 70+ VBR-encoded CDs that I encoded using AC/xing with Real Jukebox installed?


18GB Red, Waiting for Amber screen...