[Empeg-general] Demo...

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 21:58:00 GMT

Not that he needed any more convincing to buy one, but <A HREF="http://empeg.comms.net/cgi-bin/showprofile.pl?Cat=&User=HighWayDrifter" target="_new">HighWayDrifter</A> just stopped by my office to get a demo of the Empeg. Nice guy. He seemed pretty impressed by the Empeg.

His main concern was the sound quality- he wanted to hear one in action. My car isn't competition quality by any stretch of the imagination, but it managed to showcase the sound well enough for him. I think he came away a believer. I'll let him jump in here and give you his impressions of the Empeg if he wants...

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_