[Empeg-general] Re: just thought someone would find this interesting

Paul Wayper paulway@earthling.net
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 21:57:00 GMT

I was compelled by aliens to reply to this.

1) take a look at IBM's current laptop hard drive range.
2) take a look at what empeg is offering.
3) confused?  take a look at what Dell, Toshiba and other laptop manufacturers are offering.
4) now you know where they've gone.

Basically hard drive manufacturers have supply contracts with the major laptop manufacturers so they get the new drives first before they go retail or get offered to other smaller OEMs (like empeg.

So while it's nice to know it's not going to be offered any time soon, just to spoil your party.  Sorry.

> Save the whales.  Feed the hungry.  Free the mallocs.