[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification & how to build it

Dragi Raos draos@4mate.hr
Sun, 17 Sep 2000 10:51:00 GMT

I am not sure I can help here, since I haven't tried PMA, but only Linux version of 'song-fingerprinting' library (which does include a fully functional command-line demo program). The building process is completely straightforward (one also needs a fancy Fourier transform library available separately installed - see eTantrum's pages). My only problem was a mess my Linux machine is in. Once I got it somewhat in order (by force-installing development libraries (glib 1.2.3 and such) around for a year or two), it only took standard './configure; make; make install'. I made a fool of myself slightly by complaining they insist on using the most recent libraries before realizing this. 

Do you have problems on Win or Linux?

The demo program fingerprints your WAV, MP3 or OggVorbis tune and contacts their server to try and identify it. If succesfull, it shows a list of possible matches (it guessed the tune correctly every time it found it, but there were different albums and sometimes genres). If not, it prints a long URL by which one can add a tune to their database. This, a little piece of Perl and a ID3 maintaining utility is all it takes to fill in one's missing tags (provided somebody already added the tune in question to eTantrum's database). However, since they don't take 'last submission is valid' approach like CDDB, but rather present you with all possibilities (as they should), the process is interactive.

BTW, I am now playing with different versions of the same tune (different albums, different encodings) to see how good are they in recognising them. So far, quite impressive.

Well, I don't think this really helped.....

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green<P ID="edit">_Edited by bonzi on 17/9/00 10:58 AM._