[Empeg-general] Re: Pricing of the empeg

yn0t_@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org yn0t_@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 17:51:00 GMT

Let me be the first to "kill you" on this one.  Your post seems to state you bought your Empeg for status ("ultra cool radio that nobody else in my town has")  Most people (from comments on this BBS) buy it for its value as a car MP3 player and extensible in-dash computing platform, not its status appeal.  If the price on Empegs were to go down, then yes, more people would own it, and yes, you'd be slightly less cool when you start seeing them inside other cars in your neighborhood.  But I think the increased viability of Empeg's brand name, along with the increase in user base (which would help independent development) would be well worth a little ego drop.

I found the Empeg to be priced well considering the feature set, so I didn't mind paying what I did.  If the price were to go down, that would be cool too.  But if the price was artificially pumped up so that people can say "I spent $3000 on my car stereo" I think that's a little silly.  Hell, you can always lie and you spent $10k on it if you need status that much.

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