[Empeg-general] Re: Mpeg +? who has heard of it?

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 20:08:00 GMT

sorry guys just a lil testy didnt mean to step on anyones preverbial toes. just kind of a sore spot guess i will have to learn to slow it down a bunch. maybe lay off the jolts and caffinated waters. :)

thanx for being understanding. and tony i actually can type that damn fast with little or no errors when i concentrate hard. but it is kind of hard. well all in all i will email you that mp+ plus stuff asap (might have to wait till the weekend as i am not at my house right now, at my 2nd home)

Seriously not trying to flame or anything, but if you attempted to use correct punctuation or capitalization, you would probably not get a lot of the flack you seem to be getting in this thread.  Reading your posts is difficult at best.  That's not cool, because you might have something interesting to say, but most people will skip over the post because they would rather not take the time to decipher.  :)

Anyway, seriously not trying to flame.  Just giving some suggestions.  If you want people to take you seriously, slow down a bit... add some capitalization and punctuation, and I guarantee you'll get a more positive response.  :)
