[Empeg-general] Re: Anand Reveiws MkII

loren@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org loren@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 00:51:00 GMT

Tony...oh man, i just went and checked out the forum. You have a lot of correcting to do. None of the replies in the forum got it at all. Nearly all of them either didn't read through the whole article or just selectively read into it what they wanted. One guy thought it was still running a P166 with an AMD fan?! (obviously from the picture of Hugo's first car player). At anyrate... it just goes to show that people don't get it... and i still don't understand what the roadblock is. Maybe it's that the reality of the player is too good to be true? One guy thought it would be EASIER to burn CD's instead of syncing the player?!?! WTF. I'm sure Tony's gonna wipe some stuff up, but i'll check back later and try and help him out. Everyone should go post some testimonials!!

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