[Empeg-general] Re: Automatic MP3 identification & how to build it

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:50:00 GMT

I'll third list. I installed it, and the first thing it did was ask for demographic information including pay rate. For someone who doesn't live in the USA this is relatively meaningless, and I always suspect anything that tries to get this kind of information from me - it smells too much like targetted advertising. I quit it and deinstalled it immediately.

I assume you are now talking about the PMA.  The demographic information for one is optional, and for two is simply gathered for use with our algorithms for song recommendation.  To be completely honest, most of that stuff isn't even used; the PMA was technology that was already WELL under development when I started working for eTantrum, so I can't say I know a lot about what that info was for.

I *do* know that the ZIP code *IS* used with our Concert recommendation engine, but that really doesn't apply to overseas people as we only provide concert information for US clients.  

Therefore I haven't tried out the program at all. I don't think it's unreasonable for the program to continue working if I try to cancel that dialog, albeit without whatever benefit that information might provide to it. I also want to know why it needs to know that information before I'll fill it in.

All of that information *should* be optional.  If it is not, then that is a bug which I'll look into.  I'll do a fresh install tomorrow and see if this is the case.

Either way, this thread was began with discussion of the SongPrint SDK that was released.  The PMA is an application that was created months before we even decided to release an opensource version of our client.

Okay.  Any more questions, feel free to ask.  :)  I'll be sure to look into that bug.

