[Empeg-general] Re: Pricing of the empeg

anti@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org anti@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:40:00 GMT

just to get this straight.
(And yes, it was (partly) flame bait)

I didn't buy the empeg for status.
The reason why I don't want everybody to have one is different.
If there are 500 empeg owners worldwide the service will stay at the same quality as it is.
If there are 5.000.000 empeg owners the quality of service will become less good.
No Matter at what product you look it's always been the same.
The Jaguar service is great, while the VW service ... well you know ...
The centurion card service is more than perfect, while the gold card service is so bad you'd never call twice.

I'd prefer to have a high priced (not overpriced) product with great service and hight quality than a consumerized product with a low price, average quality and horrible service ?

And yes, most of you bought their empeg for status, amongst other reasons.
Because a selfmade solution delivers the same thing for just over $300 (depending on disk size),
but it just doesn't look that good.

We all love our empeg.
We all love the "family feeling".

So don't hate me.
I tend to overexaggerate sometimes.
And I know it.

And yes, the Rolex example was a bad one.
I never had one, so I assumed high quality, not (only) high status.