[Empeg-general] Re: Pricing of the empeg

Rob Schofield somewhereth@sflat
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:14:00 GMT

> If Ford had not taken over Jaguar, then Jaguar would have gone the way of virtually all of the English marques. Remember Rover? MG? Austin Healey? Sunbeam? Hillman? Triumph?

{sound of knuckles crackling as hands are flexed}

I have to take issue with you sir! {sound of glove genteely slapped across face}

How dare you take the name of our dear dead departed in vain! (the fact that I drive a TR 6 has nothing to do with this - and don't forget that Triumph still lives as a possible marque under BMW "spit, spit"). I challenge you to a duel, at dawn, with weapons of your choice. And no, Lucas dynamos are not acceptable weapons (except for throwing at short distances).

Having said that, I am absolutely 100% in agreement with what you say  :-)

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...  :) #00015