[Empeg-general] Re: Windows SongPrintDemo Binary

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 21:55:00 GMT

Okay, that's what I figured, despite the fact that on your website somewhere, it specifically says that PMA doesn't rely on the filename for identification. You should probably ammend that.

It doesn't rely on that.  :)  It will fall back on that if other identification methods fail, but in a perfect world, our database would contain every signature for every song ever created.  Then we wouldn't need filenames or ID3 tags.

We're just in the process of building our database up right now, so we've got a.. er.. while.. to go.  :)

And it still doesn't explain the Beck thing. This is a song that I'm guessing is in the database yet doesn't get recognized. But whatever.

Its possible.  Each fingerprint is relatively unique.  We perform some analysis on them ("alignment") which figures out what fingerprints are matched to what song data.  It just might happen that you have an iteration that hasn't been aligned yet.  If you use the SongPrintDemo-v1.0 program, it allows you to enter in the data to be submitted to our servers.  Right now there is a lead time on when they get added, but we're fixing that right now so they are added automatically.
