[Empeg-general] Re: When is playlist sorting going to be fixed?

DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 17:24:00 GMT

Oh no, you have to press one or two arrow keys.  It's still a shortcut.
If I just used the arrow keys, I found it takes me 27 button presses to get to my Zep tunes.  With the remote it takes 5 presses.  So it takes 6 presses to get to the next playlist.

I don't think you're proposed plan is all that great in terms of the alpha shortcuts, but I understand why you want your lists in that order.  I don't, though.  At least not in the artist list.  The album list isn't that hard to figure out either, because you're not going to have that many albums in any one artist's playlist.

Here's the reason I don't like the way you say we can do the alpha shortcuts in your plan: you don't know which letter is next.  This way, I know I'm going from J to K to L, and Led Zeppelin is in the L list.  It doesn't matter if it's first or not, it's just more convenient.  In your plan, it could take me even longer to get to something like Led Zeppelin.

Just imagine that your plan has been implemented, and I keep my artist playlists in the exact same order they are now.  Now I have to cycle through every J list and every K list as well.  That's not much of a shortcut.

And that's why it doesn't work.

Here's one tip you can try.  If you have specific playlists you want close to the > button and you want to use the keys on the player (as you said you do), you can just name those lists with a ~ at the beggining of them.  Windows alphabetizes that symbol before "A", but for some reason the empeg puts it at the end.  but you still have a short way to go.  For instance, I have these playlists just to the left of the > button:
~Other~  --> assorted random songs
~Driving~  --> really cool road songs like Deep Purple's "Highway Star" and Black Sabbath's "Paranoid"
~Jazz~  --> I kept these separate from my multitude of rock albums- just personal preference

*the ~ at the end of the list name is just for appearance  :-)*

Try this for some of your stuff and see how you like it.

DiGNAN  &:*)