[Empeg-general] DVDs

Drakino@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Drakino@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 20:37:00 GMT

(Sorry to bring this back up after almost a month, but thats how far behind I got in the Bug Reports section)

_Well then you'll have to explain to me how to use SVGA on my 32 inch TV. Or for that matter, when I pick up a 60 inch TV will it accept SVGA? I think not._

Just stop shopping for a TV and get a monitor.  Like a Destination 27, 31, or 36 inch :-)

I love watching DVD's on my 27 inch monitor, due to it being progressive scan capabale.  And the optical out on my laptop provides 5.1 sound as well to accompany the best looking movies I have ever seen.

Also, keep in mind HDTV's should have an SVGA input (while computers are moving to DVI-I, sigh, wish TV's would keep up better).