[Empeg-general] Re: EQ Question/Feature Enhancement

Calvin eternalsun@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:10:00 GMT


Ok hold on here, let's not turn on the blinders to what rjlov is suggesting.   What rjlov is suggesting is indeed possible.  Consider the following:


This is a twenty band equilizer that the user set up for some reason, the software will take that and discover it can be approximated using 5 Q curves on a parametric.  It then computes what those values are and sends the 5 curves to each of the 4 speakers.  Thus a 20 band equilizer can be approximated using a 4x5 parametric.  When rjlov says what the user sees is not what is going on underneath, he's saying put a standard equilizer interface on top of the parametric dsp and no one needs to know!   

So basically before you pull the pdf spec sheet out and bible thump it, consider what is really possible.
