[Empeg-general] Re: ETA for 1.01

Tony Fabris tfabris@jps.net
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 06:57:00 GMT

> Any possibility we could get a list of all the fixes\enhancements?

There is always a "release notes" file with each software upgrade that contains the fixes and enhancements made. Such a file won't be available until the actual release is made.

> upgrade your player software. It will show your logo for a good portion of the process, as it's pumping the partition.
Would this be considered just a fix or an enhancement?

I'm pretty sure that feature exists in 1.0, and it's neither a fix nor an enhancement, it's just a side-effect of the fact that the partition pump takes a while.

> and please please tell me that "volume auto leveling" is a "fix" in 1.01.

Empeg does not have any volume auto leveling code. However, there is a piece of third-party code, written by Richard Lovejoy, which makes a stab at it. There have been several threads on the BBS about this, and the thing you call "volume auto leveling" is a tricky and complicated subject which doesn't have a single simple fix.

If you are interested in trying Richard's code, go into the FAQ section of the BBS and look up the bit on uploading custom kernels to your player.

Someday, Richard's code might be included with the Empeg player, but right now it's not, and it won't be there in 1.01. However there's nothing to stop you from installing Richard's 1.0 kernel onto your 1.0 player right now if you wanted.

<A HREF="http://www.jps.net/tfabris" target="_new">Tony Fabris</A>_