[Empeg-general] Re: Windows SongPrintDemo Binary

Rob J ClemsonJeep@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:11:00 GMT

I want the same thing, and I am willing to code it, but I need these .lib files. Or instructions on how to create them. And another thing that would be nice would be an easy, automated way to submit new signature-tag pairs, without having to do it interactively via the web. I (and many others) have tons of MP3s with perfectly good tags on them that I would love to contribute to your database, but I am not willing to spend the time to do it manually. If you are worried about bad tags overwriting good tags, perhaps you only allow automatic submition for tags that don't yet exist in the database at all.

We actually have a tool created such as this.  It is called the gathertool and sofar it's used internally and been released to a few people to gather info about their song collections and send it to us.  It basically uses the tag information from the MP3s or whatever as basic information and submits the data to our servers.  We then do a process called "alignment" to make sure that the tag data is actually correct for that fingerprint before it is actually added to our production servers.

Last I checked the person working on the gathertool was working on a public version of it, but I'll check into that and contact you.  If there isn't a public version out, I'm sure I could get a private copy to you if you want to do that.  :)
