[Empeg-general] Re: When is playlist sorting going to be fixed?

DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 05:20:00 GMT

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.  For one, how will your plan eliminate the need to look at the remote?

Anyway, here's how I see my button presses going in order to select Live, which is right after Led Zeppelin.

1) press *
2) press DNPP
3) press 5 - 3 times
4) press >>

I don't see what is so hard about this.
My playlist happens to be J-J-J-K-K-L-L

So what I have to do is press the 5 button and additional 4 times in order to get to Live.  But forget about it being this simple if these playlists aren't in this order, say JKLLJKJ, Live being the second L.  In that case you would have to look at the player every single time in order to properly see which one you're on.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see what you're proposing as making sense in practical terms.

As for songs in a playlist, why in hell would I suggest that they be in alpha order?  that's just stupid.  the alph order only applies to playlists because, typically, there are more playlists in any one level than songs.  Show me a commercial album that has 65 songs on it (as my first-level has that many playlists) and I'll show you how difficult it is to find a song in there.

Trust me, it makes more sense to order playlists alphabetically.  The current method of advancing through these playlists also makes sense.

Here are simple numbers and simple _FACTS_

FACT- with your method, you basically narrow the playlists down to _3_ letters

FACT- with the current method, you basically narrow the playlists down to _1_ letter (and you know that ALL the other playlists with the same letter are just to the right of that list)

Trust me, I understand why you want it this way.  I'm just trying to show you how it would, without a doubt, cause more button presses and complications.

DiGNAN  &:*)