[Empeg-general] Re: Chips on Mk 2's handle?

gb14772@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org gb14772@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 04:52:00 GMT

Mine didn't arrive from the factory with the chips.  Mine are relatively tiny.  I think that they are due to the paint being very thin on the edge, and it wears off with little provocation.  If the edge had a greater radius on it's edge, the paint might be thicker and stick better.  I'm sure they didn't consider using plastic for this part due to strength, although you can do things to make plastic much stronger, not sure if it would work well with a piece this long and with this small cross sectional area.

Anyway,mine will probably get more as I pull it in and out and carry it back and forth from the garage.  I may just touch it up with a black magic marker if it starts to bug me too much.  Wonder if I can get a really dark grey marker...


18GB Red, Waiting for Amber screen...