[Empeg-general] Re: When is playlist sorting going to be fixed?

DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org DiGNAN17@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 18:04:00 GMT

Sorry, but that search idea doesn't keep me happy.  it's still not a shortcut in my view.  I think it was an okay idea if you like the search function and use it regularly.  But I've found that it's nearly impossible to use while driving (this could just be because of my broken display).  First you have to cycle through to the "Search by playlist name" and then search through the name.

Ahh. I don't want to think about it too hard right now anyway, since it doesn't exist.

You say you want consistency.  Well, technically it is consistent right now.  They said they designed it one way, and it works that way.  It comes down to personal preference, and I think it's a bit selfish to think that everyone wants it the way you do.  The practical way to change this, if you really want it changed, is to provide the option, via emplode, as to how you want to order playlists.

Aside from doing that, I do see why they should change.

DiGNAN  &:*)