[Empeg-general] Re: Phat Noise

alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 18:53:00 GMT

One thing to remember about this product is its potential comatibility.  It is probably very difficult to be compatitble with that many head units out there.  I think Alpine alone has three different bus structures.

The product alone is a good idea that will sell better to the average consumer than the empeg.  Installation is just giving it power and plugging it in to the head unit.  It can also be placed anywhere in the car.

Although most CD busses are limited in #discs(playlists) and #tracks(songs) size, I think a simple external selection could easily expand this.  By this I mean, set it for "A" and choose disc 1, song 1.  Then switch to "B" and choose disc 1, song 1.  It should be two different songs.

Once the bugs are worked out there should be no reason why it would be "slow" as mentioned.

I think they mentioned a price of about $600.  If this is true I can see it being a good seller even though I still think the empeg has more value/cost.

Alex Lear