[Empeg-general] Until I Can Afford an Empeg

Mystkrh@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Mystkrh@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 01:12:00 GMT

Hi All,

   Ok, first off I'm a typical BROKE college student so therefor I can not afford to get my EMPEG yet.... So sad I know :-( But I do have something else cool to show you guys. I thought you guys might want to see what I have done for my setup untill I get my empeg. First off you might want to check out these pictures first. 
<A HREF="http://home.ici.net/~krh/mp3sol.htm" target="_new">http://home.ici.net/~krh/mp3sol.htm</A>
  Ok as you can see it's a Windows (Sigh I know...) based car computer which I like to call Mp3-Sol. What it does:
1. Plays Mp3's either off a CD or off the built in HD via winamp, a remote, and voice commands.
2. Plays DVD's and V-CD's so your passanger can watch movies while you drive, also runs off a remote.
3. Has a GPS built in uses Sony Skymap 2000, which runs off voice commands.
4. Built in TV tuner, which runs off the remote.
5. Wireless Web via Cell phone hook-up, not really great on the small screen, but it is nice to IM someone from you're car. 
Well that pretty much sums it up if you have any questions E-mail me.

       Thanx Alot

<P ID="edit">_Edited by Mystkrh on 25/9/00 01:13 AM._