[Empeg-general] Re: When is playlist sorting going to be fixed?

Daniel M. Zimmerman dmz@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 01:43:00 GMT

I happen to not like the search functionality on general principle, 'cause it's not available without using the remote. Of course, I don't quite know how I'd make it available from the front panel, but it still seems wrong to me to have remote-only functionality. But I digress; back to the topic at hand. 

The suggested search functionality certainly could be a shortcut. I can't really see the difference between "Menu" -> "Playlists" -> punch a bunch of letters and "Search" -> "By Playlist Name" -> punch a bunch of letters, if "By Playlist Name" is the first or second search option. Especially since the bunch of letters is always smaller in the latter (for instance, to get to the 4th playlist which starts with "Z", you'd have to type at most 4 letters, but quite possibly less than that - if the playlists are "Zip", "Zap", "Zoom", and "Zowie", you can get to "Zowie" with "Z","O","W", rather than "Z","Z","Z","Z"). If you can do one without looking at the remote or the screen, you can also do the other without looking at the remote or the screen; being able to do either requires that you already know your playlists pretty well.

Technically, it is most definitely not consistent right now. "They said they designed it one way, and it works that way" isn't grounds for consistency, since the majority of the user population doesn't read this bulletin board, which is the only place they've said this. Look in the User Guide - is there any mention whatsoever of the fact that there are multiple playlist orderings at work? If it were consistent and intuitive, the multiple long threads on this BBS wherein people explain the way it works (such as the one my original message was posted in) wouldn't have been necessary in the first place, because there'd be no need to ask questions like "Why do my playlists show up on the Playlists menu in order X, but play in order Y?", or "Why do my tunes, but not my playlists, show up on the Playlists menu in the order I set in Emplode?"

I agree that it's reasonable to provide users the option of viewing playlists in alphabetical order on the Empeg, preserving the current mode of operation (and I said so quite explicitly in my original message, so I'm not sure why you think my suggestion is impractical). It's not a matter of me selfishly assuming everybody wants it the way I do, it's a matter of it being unintuitive and inconsistent the way it is.

Daniel M. Zimmerman
Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB, Red
Mk.1 #00101, 10GB, Blue