[Empeg-general] Re: When is playlist sorting going to be fixed?

borislav@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org borislav@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:01:00 GMT

> For one, how will your plan eliminate the need to look at the remote?

It won't, it would reduce it. Finding the right key on the remote takes forever and the fewer _different_ keys you need to press, the better.

> As for songs in a playlist, why in hell would I suggest that they be in alpha order?

Consistency. I wholeheartedly agree with Daniel on this - displaying items in a playlist in different orders depending on where you are in the player software/emplode is definitely not consistent and this is a Bad Thing.

> Show me a commercial album that has 65 songs on it (as my first-level has that many playlists)

Oh dear. Now I understand why you are so much against any change in the way the shortcuts work - the current behaviour works reasonably well given such a flat tree structure. I don't see why people choose to organize their music in this way, it effectively prevents you from navigating your playlists without the remote. But apparently you are not the only one - Tony has also suggested this.

Shall we try to wrap this thread up? I think we can agree that there should be an option to show playlists in play order. Both mine and Daniel's proposals are ways to provide functionality similar to the current alphabetical shortcuts ("it'll break the shortcuts" is the only objection I've seen against providing the "display in play order" option). The current behaviour of the shortcuts can be preserved for playlists ordered alphabetically.
