[Empeg-general] Re: I thought 18GB was too much!

Smoker_Man@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org Smoker_Man@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:54:00 GMT

I agree with tanstaafl, 12Gb should be the minimum purchase. 
But when I happened across Hugo's project two/three years ago, I had a measly collection of about 100mb of mp3's, I never even thought of ripping my on cd's, just getting tunes that I didnt own, back in the days of ftp and irc fserve, then napster came along, and I managed to get about 5 gig downloaded via nap, and then I ordered my unit in August of this year, then I realised, hey I have a large cd collection, SWEET!! I ordered the biggest, hugest, mofo empeg had, 36GB, and picked up a 40Gb drive for my server, and off to the races I went, ripping my whole collection, the I realised how many cd's have gone missing due to parties, swaps, etc. :-(
So, personally with just over 23Gb of mp3's to my name (I wont give the owned/downloaded ratio!!) I NEEDED the 36Gb model.

Thats my story and if you represent the RIAA, leave me alone, I am sure 90% of the idividuals here are in the same boat as me!