[Empeg-general] Re: I thought 18GB was too much!

avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:52:00 GMT

Hmm.  Now you guys have got me thinking.  I agree that I cannot predict what I will be listening to in the future, and getting a larger drive would only bethe smart thing to do.  I mean, what happens if I do manage to fill the 6 gig?  A 12 gig is twice the size, and is a deal for the price.  After spending the $1200 asking price for a 6 gig, I guess $100 is not that much more of a strain.  Thats my financial arguement.

As for my listening habits - hmm.  I seriously have trouble digging out anything in my current collection that I do not already have ripped that I want.  I have pretty much tapped the web for MP3s as well.  While I do still come across something that I want and don't have, its not very often.  On the other hand, I have no idea what will be coming my way in the future.  I refuse to waste my disk space with country music.  I'm a rocker at heart.. and I don't see that changing.

But OK.  You guys have made some good points.  I will order at least the 12 gig version, because you never know.  I say that because my 8 gig drive at home filled on me, and I do remember thinking to myself that I could never fill it, and I did.