[Empeg-general] Re: ETA for 1.01

hendrik@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org hendrik@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:19:00 GMT

Interesting thing I found on MP3.com:


altman  posted 09-28-2000 01:55 AM               

- Emplode v1.01, which fixes many synchronisation bugs, is probably released today (we've had good feedback from our alpha group). Version 1.1, which addresses many of the feature deficiencies (now has search, better playlist ordering, playlist time calculation, etc etc) is due to go out to our alpha group within the next week or so. V1.1 also adds WAV support, WMA support (license pending!), new shuffle modes (least often played, least recently played, etc), multiple bookmarks, etc.

- We're looking at some improvements to ethernet sync speed (probably 2x speedup, maybe more) in v1.2. USB won't get a lot faster though, due to the limitations of the slave controller.



18Gb green