[Empeg-general] Re: How did you solve this problem?

alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org alear@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 01:50:00 GMT

I was just thinking about this exact topic Sevenger.  While developing a TV output for my empeg, I realized that you can completely control the empeg from the serial port and you will probably soon get song info out the serial port.  If you add output of current menu item selected then you can recreate most of the empegs menus(no visualisations  but I make my own).  I was planning on then sending this information to a TV screen because I have an Alpine that has that feature.  This would allow me to mount the empeg cage in the trunk(or other secure place).  I could still operate the empeg from my own buttons and the TV screen and not worry about the empeg because its out of sight.

This is not limited to a TV output.  Anyone could do this with a backlit LCD character screen(very visible in the direct sunlight I might add).

This obviously makes no sense if you bought the empeg to see its beautiful faceplate.  At this point it would solve the problem but not too well.  The best solution would be for empeg to create a remote data panel that does have the ability to completely mimic the faceplate.  Then the only thing that can be stolen is a replaceable faceplate.

Alex Lear