[Empeg-general] Re: How did you solve this problem?

avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org avatarTX@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 03:36:00 GMT

I must agree with Tony 100%.  If its in your hot little hands then its not in someone elses.

The area of town where I work, 5 days a week, is not amoung the best in town.  Other co-workers of mine have had their car stereos stolen in broad daylight while their cars were parked in our company parking lot.  I do not see it as an inconvenience to take my player with me inside, and set it out of the way on my desk.  Besides, it won't be in the hot Texas sun baking as we don't have covered parking.

To many of us, our players are much like new born children.  We goo and gah over them, parade them in front of our friends, the works.  Why not treat it like a child, and take it with you.  Afterall, thats what the sled is for.

I like the bar idea - besides it could be a great way to pick up chicks.. trying to explain the notion of the unit to them as they wonder what it is that the bartender is handing back to you.. "better yet, come on out to my car and let me show you".