[Empeg-general] Re: How did you solve this problem?

Douglas Burnside burnside@alaska.net
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:08:00 GMT

> I do not see it as an inconvenience to take my player with me inside, and set it out of the way on my desk.

Better yet...  get yourself a set of the small walkman-style headphones, the kind where the earpieces actually fit inside your ears.  Then, you'll need an RCA to mini-plug cable (about $5 at Radio Shack) and an adapter to make the male-ended mini-plug into a female end (another $2), and you can listen to your empeg while it sits on your desk.

The 1-volt RCA outs on the empeg will not drive regular headphones, but they are perfect for the small walkman style headphones--the volume at the 0 dB setting on the empeg is exactly right.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"