[Empeg-general] Re: How did you solve this problem?

peter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org peter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 17:45:00 GMT

So the thieves don't carry crowbars in England or something?

I think the idea is that the thief can't tell whether there'll be anything in the trunk^Wboot or not, and the risk of getting caught is often only worth it if the thief knows there's something in the car worth getting at.

Is that like the cops not carrying guns (is that a myth or is that true?)?

I once saw a policeman with a gun at Manchester Airport at the height of the IRA bomb risk, about fifteen years ago. In general, though, policemen don't carry guns -- if they think they need one, a special firearms response unit is summoned. This is not to say that all British police are Dixons of Dock Green: <A HREF="http://pages.britishlibrary.net/alan.lodge/gal_rts-camb96-3.htm" target="_new">http://pages.britishlibrary.net/alan.lodge/gal_rts-camb96-3.htm</A>
