[Empeg-general] TCP/IP for busy people

peter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org peter@empegbbs-noreply.merlins.org
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 18:24:00 GMT

On the PC you need a different address with the same network: to add to your example

empeg: address, netmask, DHCP off

PC: address, netmask

For a simple setup such as this, you don't need to bother setting a gateway address. (The gateway would be the PC the empeg used to talk to other networks, beyond the one it's plugged into.)

You also need to take a bit of care over the connection. You can't connect two Ethernet hosts (e.g. empeg and PC) together with a normal Ethernet cable -- the plugs fit, it just won't work. Normal cables only work from a host to an Ethernet hub. Your choices are either (a) get a "cross-over" cable, which is capable of connecting two hosts directly, or (b) get a hub. Hubs cost less than twenty quid these days.

Once you've got all that sorted out, an Ethernet connection to your empeg should appear in emplode's "choose an empeg" window.
